Using the ATA logo on 名片, 文具, 网站, 印刷材料, 社交媒体, and other forms of digital advertising is a great way to put your Association membership to work for you. It's an effective marketing tool that quickly spotlights your professional affiliation and enhances your business image.

Who Can Use the ATA Logo?

  • ATA成员
  • ATA分歧
  • ATA章节
  • ATA子公司

What ATA Logo 设计s Are Available?

  • 打印材料
  • 名片
  • Website/Digital Marketing/Social Media
  • 电子邮件签名

Where Can the ATA Logo Be Used?

  • May be used on member 印刷材料, 文具, 名片, 社交媒体 accounts, 网站, 数字营销, and email signature blocks to indicate ATA成员hip.

Where Can't the ATA Logo Be Used?

  • May not be used on merchandise or other promotional 产品.
  • May not be used to state or imply that ATA has endorsed a member or a member's 产品 and 服务.


An individual member’s logo may not be displayed on a corporate member's website other than as a part of an individual member’s bio.


  1. The Association's logo and any marks associated with the Association are the property of the Association and are protected by state and federal laws.
  2. Use of the ATA logo is a benefit of membership and is restricted to ATA成员 in good standing. Use of the logo must be immediately discontinued across all platforms when ATA成员hip is not renewed.
  3. The logo must be displayed in a positive manner. It may not be used to depict ATA or any of its members, 服务, 产品, or affiliates in a negative way.
  4. Each logo design must be used for its stated purpose.
  5. The logo must indicate that it is being displayed by a member of ATA. If the word "Member" is not included in the design, then the text "An individual member of the American Translators Association," "A corporate member of the American Translators Association," or “An institutional member of the American Translators Association” must be added.



  • May be resized as long as the original proportions are unchanged
  • May not be taken apart or combined with other design elements
  • May not be altered or otherwise modified
  • Color must be either PMS 648, black, or reversed white


  • Must be the version approved for print or 名片
  • Must be displayed in accordance with all guidelines above
  • May not be combined with other graphical elements
  • 可能包括


  • Must be the version approved for website, digital, or email use
  • Must be displayed in accordance with all guidelines above
  • May not be combined with other graphical elements
  • 应该链接到 ATA网站

How to Obtain the ATA Logo

Please email your request to You must include your membership number. Allow five business days for your request to be verified.

By making this request, you agree to follow the logo guidelines listed above.



The ATA logo is a unique symbol that represents and identifies the Association and its activities. It is essential that the logo be used properly to ensure its continued value to the Association and its members. 因此, ATA reserves the right to immediately terminate the use of its logo by any person or organization at any time.

Changes to These Guidelines

ATA reserves the right to change these guidelines solely at its own discretion.
Last updated: August 29, 2022